For me feminism is not about taking to the streets but rising up to the challenges that life throws up on an everyday basis. And most women would agree that those come by the dozens, popping up at the most unexpected of places and times. Men might just find their mojo from watching cricket but women like us have to keep ours intact at all times to face the curve-balls that come our way. And still deal with being labelled as the 'weaker sex' .
But coming back to the recipe, this was a last minute innovation when one of our friends decided to pay us a sudden visit over the weekend. Now this couple has gone off refined sugar purely for health reasons. Both of them are in good health and do not have diabetes. Honey and sometimes 'burra' is the sweetener of choice for them. And both of them happen love my dessert preparations. So, I certainly did not want to disappoint either of them this time.
With hardly an hour to spare, I quickly rifled through the contents of the fridge and came up with this 'no cook' recipe. The lime was an afterthought as it helps maintain the lovely pale green of the avocado that quickly blackens on exposure to air. Vanilla is the flavor of choice as most people like it but one can experiment with others too.
Read on for the recipe -
Preparation Time - 10 mins
Ingredients -
Preparation - Halve the avocado and scoop out the flesh from one half.
Blend the avocado flesh with the honey, lime juice and vanilla. Use 1-2 tsp water if it is too thick.
Beat the fresh cream for 5-6 mins.
Fold in the cream and mix well.
Pour into shot glasses and chill for 20 mins.
Drizzle with more honey/cream and serve !!
Note - Consume on the same day as the taste tends to change.
And don't forget to show some love to my blog as well !!

But coming back to the recipe, this was a last minute innovation when one of our friends decided to pay us a sudden visit over the weekend. Now this couple has gone off refined sugar purely for health reasons. Both of them are in good health and do not have diabetes. Honey and sometimes 'burra' is the sweetener of choice for them. And both of them happen love my dessert preparations. So, I certainly did not want to disappoint either of them this time.
With hardly an hour to spare, I quickly rifled through the contents of the fridge and came up with this 'no cook' recipe. The lime was an afterthought as it helps maintain the lovely pale green of the avocado that quickly blackens on exposure to air. Vanilla is the flavor of choice as most people like it but one can experiment with others too.
Read on for the recipe -
Preparation Time - 10 mins
Ingredients -
- 1 half of an ripe avocado
- 2 tbsp fresh cream
- 2 tsp honey
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 2-3 drops of vanilla extract
- more honey for drizzling
Preparation - Halve the avocado and scoop out the flesh from one half.
Blend the avocado flesh with the honey, lime juice and vanilla. Use 1-2 tsp water if it is too thick.
Beat the fresh cream for 5-6 mins.
Fold in the cream and mix well.
Pour into shot glasses and chill for 20 mins.
Drizzle with more honey/cream and serve !!
Note - Consume on the same day as the taste tends to change.
And don't forget to show some love to my blog as well !!