Cooking Time Required: 20-30 mins
Cost of preparation: 35-45 rupees
For dough: Maida ( 2 cups ), ghee ( 3 tbs ), water, salt to taste.
For stuffing: coconut ( 1 no ), powdered jaggery / sugar ( 4-5 tsp ), cardamon ( 2-3
nos ), ghee ( 1 tbs ), salt to taste.
Oil for deep frying.
Preparation: Heat the ghee and add to the maida . Sprinkle salt and just enough water to make a stiff dough. Knead well and keep aside for 15 mins.
Grate the coconut and keep aside.
Cooking: Heat a pan. Add ghee followed by the jaggery and allow it to melt.
Add the grated coconut and stir fry for 5-6 mins. ( If sugar is used, add the sugar at this stage )
Sprinkle the powdered cardamon and mix well. Remove from the stove.
Make small balls from the dough. Roll into small circles.
Put a small amount of the stuffing on the circles and close the edges with a little water to get a semi-circular shape. ( One can also make use of the moulds available in the markets )
Heat sufficient oil in a wok. Add the karanji to the hot oil and fry to a golden brown.Remove from wok and keep aside.
This can be kept in a airtight container and consumed within 3-4 days.